Welcome to the online home of Akard’s Anatolian Shepherds! We are an established breeder based in Bridgeport, Texas that has spent many years raising and selling this very special breed.
The Anatolian Shepherd was bred as a livestock guardian (not a herding dog) and will happily live its life in close contact with sheep, goats, horses, llamas, deer, bison...and most importantly...children.
They are fiercely loyal animals with a high level of intelligence and a very long memory. As a rule, they are very loving and affectionate dogs who respond well to positive reinforcement and are eager to please. But they're also independent thinkers who may not always come when you call them!
During basic obedience training they are very quick studies if you are patient, loving, consistent and affectionate. We are in the habit of using love and affection as a reward for positive behavior instead of food and recommend that you do so as well.
All of our dogs are AKC registered and good representations of the breed. They are healthy, well-loved and well-cared for. We are NOT a puppy mill and condemn all unethical breeders.
We acknowledge the Anatolian Shepherd Dog Club of America as well as the American Kennel Club and Anatolian Shepherd Dogs International, Inc.
Our ongoing mission is to improve the breed—not add to the world's overpopulation of pets. As a result, we may not always have a puppy available when you want one.
But you can be sure that when we do have pups available...they'll be healthy, vibrant and ready to become a capable and reliable working dog or a perfect companion for you and your loved ones. And should you need guidance or assistance after the the sale—we will always be here to help!
*Upcoming Puppies*
Expecting Puppies Winter 2022